Monday, December 22, 2008

Best Birthday ever?

What a day I had yesterday!!! It was my 29th birthday. ;-)

I started the day a little bit cold, cold front came trough and the wind was blowing.

First thing I did was go check my email and there was a message on my IM from my friend Jag! She was wishing me a happy birthday. I smiled and felt good. Then I went to read one of the groups which I belong. Another surprise! More happy birhtday messages. More warm fuzzy feelings. As more people came online they posted happy birthday messasges. I was starting to feel special.

Well, then my son Steven told me he wanted to take me to dinner. Just him and me. At a full servvice restaurant! So about 5 PM we went and he had a table already set up for us. I had a great meal and a great time. After some chatting we returned home.

The light on my answering machine was flashing and I went to see who had called. Surprise, my special friend Jana had called and had wanted to sing "happy birthday" to me as she had last year when I was in Utah. I still remember that day, I was on the road back to Provo from Salt Lake when my cell rang and she was singing to me. I put the call on speaker and Robert and I listened while she and her kids sang Happy Birthday to me. A nice memory in a sad year. She then told me she had a gift for me but her kids were ill and she could not come over but would bring them over in the next few days. She warned me it is nothing big, just a small gift. Ha Ha! It is a special gift because she cared enought to think of me. This was becoming a special day!

While we were talking on the phone my son Robert came home from his ward meeting and smiled and told me he was home. He gave me a smile and walked on. After I hung up he came back and asked how my meal went. I told him great and he asked if I had dessert. I told him no so he said come to the kitchen. There was a big cake, with great frosting and the flowers with the words "Happy Birthday Dad". No candles, (drough here and he couldn't get a permit for such a big fire.)

Then Steven, his wife Stephie, with Lianna and Sophie and Robert stood around and sang happy birthday. I cut the cake, we ate and then I felt full. Not just from food and cake but with love and caring. It had been a great day but I didn't know it was not over.

About 8:30 PM Robert called me to his room and handed me headphones with mic and said someone wants to talk to you. It was his fiance in Monterry, Mexico. She wished me happy birthday, Feliz compla Anos. And then she sang "Las Manatias" a birthday song from Mexico. She stopped after the second verse so I sang the third. Later Robert told me she had said she was a little embarrased because she didn't know the third verse and I had to sing it to her. But no big deal just that she had never heard it before. Nancy keeps forgeting that I speak Spanish. She has a cute little voice and I am glad I am getting to know her before I meet her.

So my day was a full day. Full of song, food and joy. I wish the same for all of you.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas time photo

Merry Christmas From Lianna and Sophie

Birthday Party

Lianna's birthday is today. She had a slumber party last night. Never Again!
What happen to the quite little girls I use to know? Lianna is 5 years old now, her guest were 5-7 years old. Those girls can make lots of noise.

Lianna's has the box my new washer came in. We cut a window and a door into the box. They had a blast with that box. They wanted to sleep in it but there was not enough room for that. But they sure wanted to craw in and out of that and then they turned it upside down and wanted the big peope to lift them in to the house.

I was awaken by girls laughing and running outside my bedroom door at about 6 AM. I had hoped to sneak out and buy the cake before they awoke but ha ha, I didn't make it. Then I found out they drank most of the milk last night and the butter was almost gone. Add that to the list. Anyway, I got back home and by then the parents were up. They fed the kids and then we tricked them back into the den where I locked the door while the mom got the cake fixed and the gifts wrapped. As you can see, we had it well planed in advance. NOT

Then the whold business became worth it. The smiles, the singing Happy Birthday, watching her open the gifts. Then back to the den to hook up the new Wii. I pray that Lianna and her family will never lack what they need and are abel to get lots of what they want.

In two weeks it's my birthday but we will not talk about that. No way I could blow out that many candles and I don't know if we could get a permit from the fire department. Then 4 days later, Christmas. this year only gifts for the kids. Time are rough all over.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Songs from my life

I copied this from a friends blog. Hope she doesn't mind.

1. Put Your iTunes/music player/cd player/radio on shuffle.

2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

3. Write that song name down. (don't cheat and shuffle through)They say you can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to

What best describes your personality?

I Guess It dosn't mater anymore. Linda Ronstead

What do you like in a guy/girl?

Hawaii five 0 by the Ventures Got me, that's what came up. LOL

How do you feel today?

Brown eyed handsome man

What is your life's purpose?

Les ketchup song

what is your motto?

Coat of many colors

What do your friends think of you?


what do you think of your parents?

Black is Black

What do you think about frequently?


What is 2 + 2?

Tippy toeing

What do you think of your best friend?

Bird Dog

What do you think of the person you like?

In the bush

What is your life Story?

Unchained Melodey

What do you want to be when you grow up?

My special Angel

What do you think when you see the person you like?

Three Jolly Coachman

what do your parents think of you ?

How do you like me now?

what will you dance at your wedding/Anniversary?

Cougar fight song BYU Band

what will they play at your funeral?

Don't be Cruel

what is your hobby/interest?

Wasn't it you

What is your biggest secret?

A dozen roses

What do you think of your friends?

Piece of **** car.

Monday, November 24, 2008

back then

I remember thanksgivng 1967.

I had finish my schooling in June of 1967 and was recruited to work for a company in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. So in July of that year, my very pregnant wife and our 2 cats left Milwaukee, Wisconsin to start our new life

We found a place to live and then one day in September I received a call at work that Sandra was in labor and in the hospital. The day was here! i would become a dad. Late that night, as I waited in the waiting room the doctor came up to me and told me to sit down. I knew then that something was wrong. I can recall his words to this day. He said " I hate this part of my job. I know you have been trying for sometime to have a child." Then he told me that my son may not live the night. He had an encelfliseal. (sp) Travis had a bag on the back of his head, as big as his head. What was in that seal we did not know. I could be part of his brain or spinal fluid. Either way, it was not good. As he went back to take care of him and Sandra I felt as if a tree had fallen on me. I remember reading somewhere that in a dream things don't hurt. So I bit myself, it hurt. I was not dreaming.

A few hours later, after tell us the risks they went and removed the seal, it had been filled with spinal fluid and he would most likely be what is called a "waterhead" Now back in 1968 shunts were just coming out. They were new and had not yet come to Cedar Rapids but they could send for one from the Mayo clinic. Of course we said yes.

Then we waited for weeks,

Just before Thanksgiving we were glad to be able to take our son home. But life, being life, found me on strike. Just enough money to buy food and a few other things. But we were to happy to worry about that. We took our son home for the first time. One day, still on strike Sandra and I took our son and went to town to window shop. We were not thinking that Thanksgiving was just a couple of days away. We walked to town, window shopped, then went back home to our apartment.

As we walked to our door, we saw a box on the step. We took Travis in and I went for the box. Surprise! There was a big turkey and all the other things that make a thanksgiving dinner. Pie! Rolls! Veggies! Butter! Punch! Every think a king would have had. We had a great dinner and you know what? To this day I have no idea who gave it to us. Did not know who to thank. But we were thankfull.

As a post script, my son Travis lived for one year and 29 days. Enough time to meet my mom and dad and his other grandma. He lives in our heart and he shared that special thaksgiving with us.

Monday, November 10, 2008

bakeing time

Today I made cookies. Not really a big deal but these were special cookies. Made with love and care. You see, I didn't make them by myself. Lianna, my granddaughter helped me.

Today was a holiday at her school and she had been around all day. She had been gone over the weekend. To her other grandma's house so I really missed her. We played games, she made me angry now and then but I just remind myself, she is what we made her. So in the evening, I said. 'let's make cookies." Boy was she excited! She ran around getting the mixing bowl, the cookie sheets, etc. Then of course she had to help. I had to keep reminding myself, i am not making cookies. I am making a young lady. I waited as she rolled the dough into little balls, we were making peanut better cookies. Then I let her flatten then down with a fork and had to tell her how. Took a little longer then I expected but the joy will live with me forever.

Soon the cookies were done and she was so proud! She took some to her mom, her dad and me. Then she told me, "don't move the napkin on the table, it's hiding a cookie for Sophie. ( her baby sister)

All in all, a fun way to spend some time with a 4 year old, soon to be 5. I hope that someday she will remember when she had to help "grandpa" make cookies.

She laughed, she kept asking if they were done. Wanted to take them out of the oven but I didn't let her. She understood that she could get burned if she did it wrong but as soon as I told her it was okay, those cookies came of the sheets in a hurry.

You know, I think making them was more fun then eating them.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

vets day

We sure had a loud weekend Nov. first and second. I live about a mile and a half from the an airbase. They have a great runway and this past weekend they hosted an air show.

Starting last Thursday the Blue Angels flew in and started practcing. I guess they were using the north/south runway. We had lots of noise but not to bad. Now on the days of the air show they used the East/West runway and they maded their turns right over my house. Some time east and some times just west of my house. All the families in the area were out in the street watching them fly over. BUT man they are loud when they go over that low. Wht a sight to see them turn together and then shoot up. But when they shot up they went to a higher power setting and it made the baby jump in my arms!

Took me back to my days as a young navy man. I read something in the base paper about a lady calling the base and asking to speak to the base commander. When he came on line she started chewing him out saying "Your planes are flying over my house and making lots of noise". He asked " Are you sure they are our planes?".. She said "Of course!" Then he answered "Thank God." I say, Thank God too. May they always be "our planes"

Have a great veterans day. Monday Nov 11. Long live the U.S. A.

Friday, October 31, 2008

That was the week that was

Well this week has come and gone. Robert had a great time at his interview and and thinks he did very well. The company has started a background check on him and are now contacting his old employers and friends.
Today Lianna's Pre K class and school held their Halloween parade. Wow, lots of kids in tht school! The parade went from 9:30 till jut before 11:00. Lianna was the second class in line and I was able to take a few picture at the start and at the end of the parade.

Lianna was waving at every one along the route and was having a great time. After they got to the end (last Picture) she was allowed to go visit her parents and grandpa before sitting with her class till the end. Her mom took lots of picture too but has not shared them with me yet.

Sophie, the little sister, went to the parade too but after a little while she took a nap

I had a great time! Lots of this I missed with my boys because I had to go to work. So now I get to enjoy it. Lianna looked so happy, smileing and waving at everyone.

Next up, Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Well tomorrow, Oct 28, Robert will be flying to San Antonio, Tx for his interview with USAA. They told him when he gets to the airport in San Antonio there will be a driver waiting with a sign. The sign will state that he is from USAA and is waiting for Robert Rivera. He will be driven to the campus of USAA and he will be interviewed. He will spend the night in a hotel at the expencs of the company and picked up again in the morning and returned to the office. His friend from BYU will be interviewing at the same time and they hope to both be accepted. We at home will by praying for Robert and his friend. It doesn't seem as if Robert will be able to visit at home. He will be busy but we may be able to see him at night at his hotel. But just in case, I put clean sheets on his bed and mopped the room to freshen it up.

Lianna was the pledge leader at her school last Friday. It was kind of a disappointment in that the princepal also said the pledge and he had a much louder voice and over powered her. She knew all the words to the pledge of allegiance and the pledge to the Texas flag. Not bad for a 4 year old. She looked so grown up in the office. Not a bit of fear show. She had worked hard to make sure she knew all the words. This Friday is the kids Halloween parade around the school. She will be wearing her princess costume. Hope it doesn't rain or get to cold.

Little sister Sophie is growning like a weed. She loves to laugh but I fear I am spoiling her. I am always picking her up and talking to her. I bet her first words will be "shut up already". Everyday at 3 PM when I am sitting with her she wants to go outside and sit on the porch and wait for her mom and sister to get home from school. I know, she is to young to do that but at 3 PM she starts pout and cry till I take her out side. Not content to just sit inside with me. I guess I started that too. Tomorrow she will be 5 months old. Time to take her picture for her monthly frame.

So goes the life of this old man

Thursday, October 9, 2008

If you dont have dream, how you gonna have a dream come true

Got a call from my son today. I had never heard him sound so thrilled as i did tonight. He told me he had received an email from USAA asking him if he would be willing to have them fly him to San Antonio, Texas for an interview. He had applied for a position with them at a BYU career day fair. He was called back for an interview and told they would let him know.

Today he got an email asking him to respond if he would like to have them fly him to San Antonio and put him up for 2 days. Of course he called them right away and said yes. So he is now waiting for his intineray. To top off the great news, his best buddy in his studies, one with whom he has worked on projects for the last 2 years also got the email. They will be flying down together. Now Robert wants to work for USAA and live here so he is going crazy with hope. His buddy, well, his wife wants to move to San Antonio and has wanted to for some time!

So even as we at home have been throwing up, starting first with Lianna Tuesday, then Steven the dad today. He called from work saying they were sending him home as he was throwing up. Being alone with the baby, Sophie, I placed her in her car seat and went to pick him up and she started doing the same thing. Had to stop and make sure she was ok. Cleaned her up best I could and pick up the dad and got back home. Now I am feeling like I may have to hug the pot tonight. Lianna was well the next day, hoping we all just have it for one day. Anyway, even with that, we are all very happy for Robert. He has worked hard and long for his dream.

His other hopes, # 2 Exon Mobil in Houston, Tx and last, Wal-mart in Bentenville, Arkansa. They all offere hope and "will let you know soon"

Thursday, October 2, 2008

one month of school

Strange seeing how one month of school has changed Lianna. She is still the sweet outgoing person she was but has started to learn that not everyone is as honest and loving as she.

I can tell by listening to her stories that some of the kids in her class are bullies and try to take advantage of other, that some kids can be be taken advantage of . She has learned to follow instructions much better. And I can see her teacher saying the things she repeats when she has me play school with her.

I am pleased so far. She is leaning how to interact with other that are not like her. She has learned that she has to stand up for what she knows is right. She knows her teacher is the boss in her class and that she will help when needed but that first you have to try to do things yourself.

Today she went to the dentist and had 2 fillings and one cap put on. She was so grown up about it but when we went to have a drink afterward we laughed when her drink ran down her face. I hate the "sleeping mouth" feeling myself. While she was having the work done I sat outside with the baby, Sophie, and found out that babies are "chick magnets". Never had that many ladies talking to me about the baby. More then one asked, "where did she get those blue eyes?" Answer, grandma!

So time goes on, my van is down, has been for a week. Glad my brother-in-law lent me his van. It would have been the pits taking the bus to the dentist office.

All in all, I am pleased the way my son and his wife have raised their kids. (of course, with my help and advise (LOL).

Saturday, September 20, 2008

about the slide shows

Now that Lianna, my grandaughter, is in school I thought about my school days back when.

I remember that at the start of fourth grade I was looking forward to seeing my old friends again. But when I got to school I found that most of my friends from last year would not talk to me or want me around. I was confused, what did I do?

Then I saw that all the brown kids were at one end of the school yard and the pale kids at the other end. I learned about "us and them". Discrimnation. No one had told me that after the third grade we were suppose to play apart from each other. No, it was not a hard fast rule. It just was. I have never forgotten that. As the years passed and I went to Jr. Hi. things were a little different and in high school we started to break down the walls on that kind of stuff.

Now, thinking of those day I made a little slide show called school day. I would like to know what you think of it. I hope it carries a message.

The other slide show, child of God, uses most of the same pictures and a few other but I like the message better. Again, what do you think?

To my sister Grace, who just read my blog for the first time the other day, Hi Grace!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Long Ago

I remember when I was a kid. I remember a plaza across from a hospital and between the farmer's market. My dad would load the family in his car and hook up a little trailer and load a little pump organ on it. He had an amplifier tht he would attach to the car battery and he would put big speakers on high tripods.

Once set up, one of my sisters would play the organ and the rest of the family would sing till a crowd would gather. Then my dad would preach and try to convert souls. Everyone in the family had to sing. I guess we were a musical family. Even our sewing machine was a Singer.

I remember also sitting in the car while the rest of the family went into the jail where they would sing and then my father would preach. One of my sister fainted once while in the jail. She said the heat and smell got to her and I don't know if she had to go again. I was to young to go into the jail, which is why I waited in the car.

It seems as if it was all a dream but now and then when the family gets together our converstation retreats to those days, when life was simpler and a soda pop and chips could be had for a dime. When our street were not paved but were made of clay, if you were lucky, or just dirt that would cause your car to bog down when it rained. There it stayed till the ground dried or your friends came and help pull you out.

Somehow I don't believe it was the place that was "somewhere over the rainbow"

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

another week in my life

So Lianna has been in school a little over a week now. She still loves it and comes home and tells me alot about her day.

A real surprise to me was that she has made friends with a little girl that can neither hear or speak. So Lianna comes home and teaches me the new signs she has learned! Wow! learnling signing! Don't know if her whole class is doing that or if she is doing it because she likes her new friend. I know how to sign "line up" and "follow me" and how to say "love you" and how to throw a kiss in sign. Lianna calls this kid her best friend! So lets hope Lianna and Gabby can learn from each other.

Well soon I should know how my retest on my PSA test went. i know my blood pressure has gone up over the last year and the doctor got tired of my not being able to get it down with what we have been trying so she has added a new pill for me to take. Told me not to drive or do other dangerest stuff till I learn how the meds will effect me. I may have cramps in my legs, or get dizzy and or sleepy.

Have to say this, It is almost the date that Sandra passed. Today is the 10th. Sandra passed on the 11th even if "official" it was the 12th. She passed at 11:30 PM but they didn't declare time of death till 0:45 AM. I can't believe I have made it to this point.

Now most times I smile when I think of Sandra. I remember good times more then sad times. I am happy for her, I know she knows about how Lianna is doing and even about Sophie. Glad they live with me. When everyone is gone from the house it sure feels empty.

Now if "Ike" will leave us alone I shall be very happy. I am worried about that hurricane. Looks like we might get it bad this time.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It takes a worried man , to sing a worried song.

Well, I guess I will vent today. I am feeling a little bit sad. Lianna, my first grandchild started school yesterday. I don't remember feeling sad when my sons started school but back then I was working and my wife, Sandra, handled most of that. But I am feeling things I didn't expect. She loved her first day. Told me some kids cried and she didn't understand why. She didn't she said and then one of the kids bit another kid and he was removed and she wondered if he will be back. She was up at 4 AM asking if it was time to get ready. She looked so big as she was leaving.

Here Is Lianna showing me what she will wear the first day.

Here she is, at the door, waiting for her parents to come out.
Here she is walking to school with her mom and dad. A little girl with a darn big pack.

So today she is at school, starting the long path to her dreams. I pray I have prepared her well.

Today, just a few mins ago, Robet, my youngest ( by one min) left for his final year at BYU in Provo, Utah. When he returns he plans to wed.

Now I know that some may be getting tired of hearing about my wife. But this is my venting so here goes.

On this date, last year , I brought Sandra home from the hospital for the last time. She didn't want to be there and the docter told us there was nothing more to do. He agreed to let her come home and be with her family. It has effected me a great deal, more then I expected. It was the start of a short slide to her heavenly reward. So today I am feeling very down.

Yesterday, at my phyical, I was told I flunked my PSA test. I have to have it redone in 2 weeks before they decide if I should have more test. It was not that high but after all these year it was up and they want to know if I have cancer or not. I think if I do, I will not do anything. Lots of men die with postate cancer rather then because of it. I just have not felt that well anyway. I told my son, Robert, the same thing his mom told him last year. If any thing happens, don't come home. Stay and finish your schooling. He really is not mine anymore anyway. He has become an independant person. But at times I am surprised at the things he doesn't know and I have to help him out.

So, I feel a little sad, confused, worried but I really would love to see Sandra again. I am tired. Maybe it is because of the dates. I keep thinking of what happened last year at this time. Have been doing that for about 2 weeks now.

i never asked before but if you pray, could you say one for me?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Oh what a dream

Oh what a night it was.

There I was laying in bed, this in my dream. I looked up and there was Sandra. She looked so good, no oxygen tank, no hose to her nose, not a wheelchair in sight. Just a big smile on her face. She is beautiful! I think to myself, I must be dreaming but NO. I never felt so happy, not even in a dream. I give her a big hug and can't think of what to say to her. I felt so complet, so full of joy. I start to think, "It's happen! The morning of the first resurrection!"

Then, in my dream, Lianna comes in and hollers "Grandma!!!" Lianna runs to her and gives her a hug and is chattering at 90 MPH. I felt myself starting to get up and I awoke. I looked over at her side of the bed and then I knew that I had been dreaming.

It had seemed so real. So full of joy and happiness. Such a great moment ! At first I was sad when I woke up but then a feeling of joy came over it. I think it was not a dream, but a promise.

I think of my friend, Sally and how she will rejoice when she see her brother, I think of Lisa when her son will wrap his arms around her and kiss her and call her mom. I think of Maren, another online friend as she gets up and runs to her family and finds joy in doing what most mom's complain about. You know, picking up after kids and hubby.

And Sunny, with no trac in her neck. Still with the same big smile on her face but able to breath normally. All my COPD online friend, walking and not having that green tank behind them. We shall sing and not turn blue. My COPD friends from England being able to meet together with us.

But for now, our kids and grandkids will go on with life. Our pets will pass and prepare our souls for more loses to come. We will find there are good people here, with many of the same problems. But as we do, they try, holding on to the promises given us.

I have so many friend that I have not listed but know that I think of each of you, one at a time. My heart is full, I weep with you, I rejoice with you. I hurt when you hurt, I feel good when you feel good.

I am glad you are my friends.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Some Enchanted Evening

Did you ever see the movie "South Pacific"? Remember when Nellie Forbush and Emile De Bcque were at a party and they looked across the room and saw each other? The song "Some Enchanted Evening" starts to play and suddenly they each only saw each other. The picture around them turned fuzzy and Emile sings the song.

"Some enchanted evening, you will see a stranger, you will see a stranger, across a crowded room, and some how you know, you know even then, that some how you'll see her again and again."

I remeber back to when as a youth wearing a white hat and dress blues I had left the ship to attend church "on the beach" and as I sat in the pew I felt my shoe was not tight. I looked down and saw that my shoelace had come undone. I bent over to tie it and after I had so I glance across the aisle and there was a girl, leaning over in her pew looking at me. All of a sudden, everything else around her fuzzied out and she was all there was to see. I didn't hear the preacher, only a soft background noise.

As soon as the service ended I started toward her and she smiled at me as I came near her. We started talking and I learned her name, told her mine and I knew I would see her again and again. Turns out her brother was the minister at that church. ( I am a PK, preacher's kid) so we laughed about that.

For about 2 years we went together, off and on. Everytime I went to sea I had to woe her back. I guess I was in love with her and thought she might me in love with me. She wasn't. When my enlistment ended, we said our good-byes, and I have not seen her since. I moved to Wisconsin and never heard from her again.

But now in my advance age, I think of her from time to time. I smile and think back but am glad we didn't marry as it never would have worked. But for a young sailor, it was a good memory.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Water over bow

Just a storm, not a hurricane

Hurricane at sea

This week we lived with a hurricane hitting the south Texas coast. As I sat here, 200 miles from where Dolly made landfall I thought back to when, as a sailor, I was in a hurricane at sea.

It is strange, I don't remember the date. I do remember how it felt. The sea was boiling. Waves were breaking above the fourth deck. (that is 4 stories up). I was walking on the 3er deck when a wave broke over me. We had tried to get out of the way of the storm but for some reason we were unable to avoid it. We were caught on the edge of the storm. The ship was pitching (rolling back and forth). We had to head into the storm as we didn't want to roll (side to side). Think Posiden adventure. We did do some rolling but mostly we were pitching. When the waves caused the screws to come out of the water the ship shook and made a terrible noise then when the stern went back into the water and the screws hit the water again we could feel the power of the engines driving the ship. Soon the word was passed "all hands stand clear of the weather decks." Or in normal speak, don't go outside. When duty called and one had to venture outside a life line was tied to him and four others held on to the line in case he was swept off his feet. Our look outs had to stand outside in the storm and keep a look out.

In a night I will never forget we had to tie our shoes to our racks so we could find them in the morning. If you forgot you had to search for your shoes when you got up. You hooked your legs around the rack or the chains that held up the rack to keep from falling out. Eating, for those of us that wanted to do so, was strange. After going through the chow line you entered the mess decks that did not have tables or benchs set up. Either you sat crossed legged on the deck or found one of the seats welded to the bulkhead with a little table on it. All the food was cold cuts as the cook could not take a chance of cooking with hot grease or hot water and anyway, the stuff would not stay on the stoves. But there must be a law decreed in heaven that ships must always have hot coffee. There was always hot coffee. All ways! Day or night. I did not get really seasick but I came as close as I ever had. I felt sorry for those that did. People do turn a green color when they are seasick. Really seasick.

I still remember the ship trembling as the big waves hit us and the ptiching and rolling. I remember walking with legs apart and ready to put out my hands to avoid bashing into a bulkhead. Then as time passed, we exited the storm and settled down to catch up on work that had not been done and enjoy a calm sea and warm sunshine.

All in all, better to be 200 miles away then in the middle of it all.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

What friends,

The Rivera family is having a reunion this week. I will not be there as I do not have the funds at this time. But, something happened that really touch my heart.

I was talking to my female friend about not being able to go to Wisconsin as I had planed. I had a problem come up that took all my disposable funds. Anyway, as we talked she told me, "I have a little over $100 in my mad money bank, you can have it. I told her I could not do that but she said she wanted me to go and enjoy myself. Again, I told her i could not take it, just didn't feel i could do that. But her offer made me feel special. From where do such friends come?

Today, I went to visit my sister before she left for the reunion, I was going to go with them and help with the driving. I had told them I would not be able to go and gave then reason last week. Well, today they offered to pay all my expences. It seems her kids, that I use to play with back when they were little had been looking forward to seeing me and had called to tell her they would share every thing they have with me. But again, I could not be such a free loader. Maybe it's pride. But they work hard for what they have and I don't feel right just taking and not having anything to give in return. The kids always tell me I have always been their favorite uncle because I was the only one to get on the floor and play with them when they were little.

So today I sit here and look back on past years. My wife always said I never grew up and that is why kids like me. I can roll on the ground with them and not get all upset when they mess up. Sandra always told me, you are just a big kid. Maybe I did bring some joy to this world.

Today I feel loved.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

go toward the light

I had been feeling a little down the last few days. It was about this time last year that my dear wife started the long slide to eternity. She spent 20 days in the hospital in May and then came home for a couple of months only to return for 7 days in Aug of last year.

Sandra had told me not to call EMS but when she quit responding in May I called and when she woke up in the hospital after a couple of weeks and after they removed the vent from her she looked at me and asked "Why am I here?" she reminded me of her wishes to die at home and not in a hospital with strangers around her and hooked up to machines.

Then in Aug. when she got ill again I asked do you want me to call EMS and she said "OK". Well, after a few days she asked to doctor to send her home and he agreed saying that she was using the last of her lungs, she had no more reserve and that there was nothing they could do other then medication to ease the passing.

So I picked her up and put her in the van and brought her home. She was very weak but had days when she felt almost normal. Once again she reminded me "no hsopital" but I told her I had asked last time and she had said yes. She told me I am telling you now, while I can still think, "Please, don't do that to me again. I hurt, I am not going to get better. So just let me go." So I said I would do that and I did.

So now as the time of the year rolls around where last year I took care of a very ill and dying wife I became rather depressed. Can't sleep, tired and wishing I would "go home" too. So I was picking up things and a book fell out of the shelf. It was "Go toward the light" by Chris Oyler. Yes, it was about dying. A young boy was dying and the stories the mom tells about her life during that time sounded like what I had been going through. The young lad kept telling his mom not to be sad. Then there was a part when the boys younger brother saw a ghost in his room and it told him, "I don't have to hurt anymore. I am going home tomorrow". And so he did.

After Sandra passed away I remember laying in bed feeling very lost and sad when I hear "Lee, I am ok. I don't hurt and I can breath". She told me she had other things to do but had to be with me till I understood that she was in a good place and not in pain anymore. So I told her I understood and I felt her withdraw from my presentes.

Well, a year later I am feeling sad, depressed and lost again and I believe that she pushed the book off the shelf for me to find. I think I remember her telling me I should read it but I never did. I guess it was time I did. Well, it is a very good book and lets me know that I am not the only one that has gone down this path before. I am still sad, I still miss her, but I know she is well.

Monday, June 9, 2008

What Happened?

What happened to the days when kids could go to the school to play and pass the time of day?

I remember when I was a kid I could go play in the school yard. There were swings and slides and hanging rings and a swinging bar. There were a number of see-saw and sand boxs. The water fountains were left running so anyone could get a drink. And if I wanted to ride a bus to town I could cut through the school yard and save myself a 3 block walk to the bus stop.

One school was a three story building and there was a slide fire escape on it. During the summer we would clime up the slide and then slide down. We use to put wax paper under out seats and after a few kids had done that the slide was super fast, but lots harder to clime up. We had to grab the edges to clime up. I remember there was a flat spot at every floor where in case of fire during school the kids of that floor could enter the slide. It was almost like a waterslide at water parks. High sides to keep one from falling off.

Now there are fences around the schools yards, the playground stuff has been removed and no one is allowed on the grounds after school or when there is no school. Each school distrist has it's own police farce. When my kids were in middle school one of my sons and a friend went to the school ground to play after dark. They put on there camo battle dress and were running around the building playing war. Well, the police from the school made a pass and saw 2 kids on the grounds and called the city police and backup from the school. Soon there were police cars all over the place. There was even a police man at my door asked where my son was. I asked why he wanted to know and he said they were looking for him. Seems his friend didn't run fast enough and was caught. He told them who he had been with and where he lived. Well, I got into my car and went to the school to see what was going on. By this time they had him in the back of a car and the police told me he was going to be taken down to juvie and that I would get a call later to come pick him up.

Around midnight I received the call and went to pick up my son. When they got him and give him to me he said "dad, I wasn't doing anything wrong." I told him, "don't say anything here, keep you mouth shut". To tell the truth I was angry. When we go in the car I asked what happen and he said they were playing and a police car came around the corner and the cop came out and told them to drop down. They ran off but the one kid got caught. They had just been doing what I had done years before, at the same school. But now it is a "no no".

In time we had to go to court. Our lawyer was a good one. First thing she said, " I don't like this judge, let me go see the court clerk." She got a different judge for my son. She told us the first judge is a person that has to run for re-election. The other is a state judge who was appointed and doesn't have to stand for re-election.
Then when the judge asked why are we here today she asked for a dismissile. The DA man said no. Judge read the papers and asked the DA person whey are we wasteing our time here, nothing was broken, nothing is missing. The DA said because it is policy to charge anyone on the school ground after hours with trespassing. So the judge asked "we are here because the DA wants to appear tough? The DA man's said, it is policy. The judge asked who I was and I told him. I told him I had a briefcase full of awards for my son and letters from his ROTC commander. He said I don't have to see that, I can tell by the fact that he is here with his parents he is a good kid. Most of the time the parents don't show up but you both are here. He looks like a fine boy to me. However, he did break a law. So I am going to give him a few hours of community service.( he did them at the bishop storehouse). End of story

But I still wonder what happen? When I was a kid and not many people had TVS the local TV store would leave his door open and he had a TV set up in a room and benchs for people to sit on. We could walk there(sometimes cutting across the school yard) and watch TV. Now the owner says if I leave the door open now my store would be empty in the morning. What Happen?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Pictures taked at hospital before Sophie came home. What a shock to hear the price they wanted for them. So Sophie is home and doing well. Sure is Tiny. Her middle name is Sandra's middle name. SueAnn

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sophie SueAnn Rivera

First picture of Sophie SueAnn Rivera. 6 lb 4 oz. Born may 29, 2008 Here she is about ah hour old.

Sophie and her proud dad, Steven Rivera

Sophie and proud uncle Bobby. (my son Robert)

Sophie and grandad Lee.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Play Time

I have buit models for ages. Since I was a little boy of about 10-12 years old. As time went on I started building them to be as accurate as I could make them. In time I got an air brush and then another one. I had tubes of model putty to fill seams and fine grit sanding sheets to blend it in. More and more "tools of the trade" came into my hobby tool box.

The other day, I noticed I was not having the fun I use to have while building a kit. Then I decided to have Lianna (grandaughter) help me built one. Lianna is 4 years old. Well, she had a blast. We just glued parts together, who cares if it is not the neatest job ever. We built the kit in under an hour. Then we let it dry overnight. Next day she runs to me and asked 'is it time to put on the stickers?" (decals) I said yes, gave her scissors, got a bowl of warm water, showed her how to made them slide off the paper and onthe the model. She had a blast, she used almost every decal from a sheet meant for 3 models. Great look airplane, checker decals on the wing and something different on the other wing. The U.S. Navy would have had a heart attack if they saw it! But she had a great time and I remembered how I felt when I first started kit building way back when. I have more kits put away that I will never have the time to built and she may have other to built when she wants.

Must remember, hobbies are suppost to be fun. This session sure was.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Long Wait

Robert, my son, is home from BYU for the summer. Last week he took a trip to Monterry, Mexico to meet a girl has been talking to online for over a year. On their first date they went to the temple. The picture are ones they took there. They had a good time, Robert stayed at Nancy's sister house as a guest. The temple in Monterry is the same as the one in San Antoni0, Texas. So Robert knew where everything was.

Nancy and Robert spent some time touring the town and enjoying the city. Here they are a river walk and in a park. Being an LDS family, Nancy and her family were glad she had met a temple worthy returned missionary and they welcomed Robert into there life. All to soon, it is time to return to Texas. Nancy's father escorted Robert back to the main highway so he would not get lost on the back roads. (Robert says it was not needed) Nancy road with him till they got to a spot on the highway where they pulled over and said their "till we meet again". They exchanged promise rings and I believe that Robert may have found the girl he has been searching for many years. The are the same age. He would not date non LDS girls and he has look long and hard for a woman that shared his love for the Christ and the church. I pray he has found her.

They do look very happy, she had waited for a man like Robert for a long time also. Nancy is one inch taller then Sandra, Robert's mom, my wife. Robert is not rushing, he wants to be sure and wants to develop a relationship before they go on. Much smarted then his dad. Anyway, I hope it works out for them. They had a great time and seem to like each other. He got home about 1 AM Monday morning.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

time marchs on

When one is at sea time can be a drag. Nothing new to see and unless you have the watch or we are having one of the many drills it can get boreing. There are free movies every night, at sea and in port. But I didn't go to many of them. In port, no reason to go see a movie. When at sea I went to a couple of them but it was no fun sitting on a bench and the break between reels always came at the wrong time for me.

I remember my shipboard friends Bookman (Bookie) and Renner (you don't want to know). It seems that sailor will not pair up as buddies but form a threesome. I was called Pancho. To help past the long hours at sea we use to sing. Lots of Kingston Trio song. Bookie had a guitar and he would bring it out and the three of use would just sing. Not saying we were any good but we worked just about as far up on the ship as one can get. There we would talk, eat our snacks and then Bookie would start to pick a tune and soon we were all singing.

You can listen to some of the songs we sang by clicking on them at the left. It helped pass the time. Now Renner has died. Bookman lives on a mountain in West Virginia. It was not till a couple of years ago that he got electric power to his house and still has no phone landline. Has to use a cell and have as power booster in his house to boost the signal. He has written a book and gone big game hunter around the world. He tells me he can't do that much anymore as time has started to catch up with him. The things that do not get old are the memories. They remain fresh in our mind. To be lived again and again. I hope we will always have them

Thursday, April 10, 2008

got a webcam

Well, after many days of pondering, I got a webcam. After getting it installed and running I had a nice l0ng talk with my son in Provo. How nice to see him and talk to him. Lianna, my granddaughter came in and said "That's Bobby!". And he said, "boy, she has grown".

I was surprised by how good it really looks! I had seen some that were so choppy and dark with a little tiny picture. It is not as good as the one my son has but same brand. It is as logitech quickcam communicate STX. Easy to install, sounds good and you don't need a bunch of light. After getting it installed I went to messenger and found someone I knew online and after a little tweaking and reading the instructions she was able to see me. Frame rate is not bad and color is good. I always wanted to be as purple as "Barney". Kidding. It works well. You don't have to have a cam to view those who have one.

I guess one gets what they pay for. This one ran under 50 bucks and didn't come with the software my sons came with. But the purpose for which I got the camera is well served. Must remember to comb hair and put on a clean shirt before I sit down before the thing. Oh, and not look at the keyboard, it shows how much my hair is thinning. But who wants fat hair?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

catacombs in Italy

The catacombs are an underground series of tunnels where the dead were buried long ago. You may have read in history books that the early Christians use to meet in the catacombs to escape the Roman soldiers looking for them in an attemp to wipe out the Christians.

I was able to visit the catacombs as a young sailor. It was strange to see the bodies hung on the walls. Some of the bodies were dressed in prison uniform and still had the rope that was used to hang them around their necks. Others you could see were dressed in priest garb. I believe these priest came much later. The poor were stack as one would stack lumber, on shelfs, next to each other. Very close to each other. The rich that could afford a coffin were there also, on stands or on the floor. It is hard to imagine how many skeletons there were and how long the tunnels were. There were branchs off the main tunnel with rooms where more dead were laid to rest.

It was a strange place to visit, but I don't plan on a return visit.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Darn Scuds

Darn Scuds

During Gulf War I a lot was heard about the Scud missile. If one thinks back they can recall the horror of watching the
evening news and hearing that a scud had hit a building that housed American service personel. I believe that more then 200 Americans were killed by that one missile. The scud is a very inaccurate missile. You lanch it at general direction and hope it hits something.

Saddam launch many of these at Israel hoping to get the Israel to strike back knowing that if they did, the Arabs who were with the coalitioin led by the United States would leave. Perhaps even attack Israel because she had attacked an Arab state.

The scuds were hard to find, they were on mobil lanchers and could "shoot and scoot". They could be fitted with chemical or biological warheads. Thankfully they never were and were fitted with high explosive. The launchers could be hid during the day in barns, under any kind of cover and at night they could run out set up, lanch, and then they could scoot out of the the area before they could be found. We never did find any to bomb during the whole time of Desert Shield or Desert Storm.

So here are a couple of pictures of a scud. One in travel mode and one (same one really) in launch mode. They are 1/48 scale. That is one inch is equal to 48 inchs in real life. I enjoyed makeing this bit of history and hope you enjoy seeing it and remembering them.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Winter Carnival

Since leaving the United States and crossing the Atlantic. After many drill and even a rescue of a very ill merchant sailor from a ship at sea we arrive at the French Riviera. Imagine how glad we are to see trees and buildings. In the back ground are the Maritime French Alps.

For some of the new crew members, it is the first foreign country that they will see.

It is just our luck that we have arrived during the Nice winter carnival. We anchor off the coast of Cannes, on the Riviera. Home of the Cannes Film festival and playground of movie stars. We are close to St. Tropiz and to Monaco and the castle of Princess Grace. By train we can go to all these places and still get back to the ship before we are Awol. I visited a town named Grass where they make perfume. Those of us that toured the perfume factory returned to the ship smelling like a French lady of the evening. I got my mom a bottle of "Christmas Night' (Noe de Noel) and send it to her. Many months later I learn the my little niece had dumped it all on her bed.

Best of all was the winter carnival in Nice. Dress blues were in season this time around. Confetti was a very marketalbe item in Nice. It was all over the place and in no time at all we were covered in confetti. You may not know that confetti will stick to wool dress blues like white to an egg. It took forever to get it off and if any was left laying around it found it's way back to your uniform.

The harbor in Monaco is beautify. It was something seeing all the yachts tied to the piers. The biggest one in harbor when I was there was the royal yacht of Princess Grace and Princes Renee. Their castle looks like a story book picture with guards in candy strip uniforms standing in little cute guard houses.

We take a well deserved rest. We tour the towns, the Casino at Monte Carlo and some of us (not me) go skiing. We took time to visit the museum of Jace Costo.

All in all, a nice time but a sore taste caused by the people of France. They didn't seem to like Americans. Even after 2 world war fought to keep them free.

In to short a time, we must depart for more training. We are not there to have fun, we are there to protect our home land. Better to defend it over there then over here.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mud Rain

I woke up this morning to an automobile covered with dirt. There was a great dust storm in Mexico and it sent a cloud of dust north and it went right over us in San Antonio, Texas. However, at the same time a front was moving in tho south Texas from the north. This met an area that was in the middle of an area that was, at the time, in the middle of a tropical front. Full of moisture.

This started a rain storm that washed the dirt out of the air but as it mixed with the rain it made mud. Some cars that were moving down the road when it hit had to stop and clean their windows and windshield so they could see where they were going. Some cars look as if they had run an off track race, other were not as bad. My van looked like it had been parked for about six month, dusty and streaked.

The mud was rust colored. Red and it stuck very well to paint jobs. I have seen this before but this was the worse. Most of the time when we see this it is sand from the Sahara. It rides the wind from Africa and dumps sand on us.

Anyway, before I could go do my shoppiong I had to run to the car wash. It was 8 Am and there was a line up! Just what I needed to start my day.

Hope your day was better.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

my hobby

I have been building models since I was a lad of 10 years old. I built ships, tanks, and aircraft. Here are a couple of them, maybe not my best work but I like them.
The first is an air force F4, Vietnam.
The other an English Hurricane fighter, about the time of the Battle of Britain.
May post more later of some of my armor models.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Eternal Father

This hymn is know by many as "the Navy Hymn". If you take the time to watch the slideshow I added please think of these words as you watch.

Eternal Father, Strong to save
whose arm hath bound the restless wave
who bid'st the might ocean deep
It's own appointed limits keep
O hear us when we cry to thee
for those in peril on the sea.

O Christ whose voice the waters heard
and hushed their raging at Thy word
who walked'tst on the foaming deep
and calm amidst its rage didst sleep
Oh hear us when we cry to thee
for those in peril on the sea.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sound memories

I was in Purto Rico, seeing the sights. I had spent a good part of the morning touring Moro Castle An old Spanish Fort that guards the entrance to the harbor of San Juan. At interesting place to spend some time. I walked all the areas I could get too. I dropped out of the tour group and visited where and for how long I wanted.

Toward evening I went into old San Juan. Narrow streets, tree lined plazas. Parks with TVs where the locals could go watch TV without cost.

While walking around and having a wonderful time i hear some strange music. I followed my ears till I came across a band playing a kind of music I had never heard before. They were banging on 55 gallon medal drums. They had cut them to different lenghts and somehow tuned the top into different notes. It was a steel band. I listened in awe at how they could get music out of discarded metal barrels. they also had gourds of different sizes that had ridges cut into the sides. These they raked with a pick and made a scratching sound. I learned that some of the steel bands use guitars too but they are not purest. I have often thougt of the sound of steel drums and of sitting on a beach of white sand listening to the sound. I have CDs and records of steel drums but they can't come close to capturing the sound but it is all I have now. I have added a couple of them to my music selections on this blog. They have "sb" before the title. Take a listen if you wish.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Was it real?

I sit and think back to my youth. Was it really that long ago that I stood and watch the pier move away from the ship and smelled the diesel smoke from the tug boats? I think back and I remember.

First comes the word that we will deploy for a six month cruise. We will be part of first line of defense. But first, there are many things to be done. We load supplies, fill open billings on the crew. For weeks there are working partys to load boxes of can food, frozen foods, spare parts, and last fresh foods. We know that the first thing to go will be fresh milk.

Then as time draws nearer to leaving the medical staff brings out the needles. Time for shots, long lines with sailors with rolled up sleeves, check your name with the list and get shots needed. Get our personal lives ashore in order.

At last the day comes when we leave. Wives, girl friends, sweethearts are allowed to come onboard and spent a last few sad moments with us. Announcements all morning long on the 1MC (intercom). When the commander of the second fleet comes to call we hear, "Second Fleet, arriving", when he leaves, "Second Fleet, departing". Our admiral comes aboard, "Com Crudes Four, arriving". (Commader cruiser/destoryer division 4) . He does not depart, he will sail with us and we become flag ship.

Then come the word on the 1MC, "all guest depart the ship". Time for one last hug, kiss and smile. A band has arrived on the pier in there full dress uniform. The command to "single up all lines", "Man the sea and anchor detail" are heard.

We all line the decks and stand at attention. Then we hear "cast off all lines" There is a loud blast on the ships horn. We are underway, the band starts to play Anchors Aweigh and the tug boats apply power to their engines. Slowly, the pier seems to fall away but it is us, moving away from the pier. We see our love ones waving and throwing kisses to us. In just a couple of mins we are in the ship channel and the tugs leave, we are on our way. We watch the shore disappear and soon we pass the last marker and head for the open sea.

What lies ahead? Drills and more drills. Long night watchs, storms, fair weather and a warm feeling knowing we are defending the land we love, our families. We will do the "hands across the sea" and help the people we visit. Kind of wining the hearts and minds. Yes, the milk runs out in short order, and we get recontitured milk. Lots of us stop drinking milk. Drills and more drills. Just about every other day we refuel from a tanker. Have to have full tanks in case we have to rush off. One never knows what may come up. If we have to leave and take the destoryers with us we will have to refuel them as the tanker can't keep up. So we refuel often.

Did it really happen or was it just a dream? If not for pictures, I would have a hard time knowing it really did happen. Long ago when things were black and white. Good or evil. We were the good guys. I'm glad I lived it.

Friday, February 15, 2008

home is the sailor, home from the sea

Two weeks ago today, I went to visit my brother in Corpus Christi, TX. He was ill and not in very good shape. I received a call a few mins ago that he had passed away.

He died at home, as he wished. When we visited him he expressed a wish to return to his home. He was tired of being in the hospital. He had been there since Christmas. Hospice was called and that afternoon he was released to his wife's care.

My brother was a veteren of world war II and Korea, Vietnam and any other conflict that happened between WW2 and his retirement after 33 years of service. As a retired vet he work as a crash crew member at the airport and also as an Airport police officer. He brought me my first bike when my dad could not afford to get me one and he paid for my sister's pep squad's uniform when she was in high school.

I will remember him and the stories he told of his days in the navy. I think it was a prime reason for my becomeing a sailor. So brother, David Rivera, MCBM, I shall remember you and I salute you for your service.

MCBM= Master chife boatswain mates (E9)

Lee SN (E3)