Robert, my son, is home from BYU for the summer. Last week he took a trip to Monterry, Mexico to meet a girl has been talking to online for over a year. On their first date they went to the temple. The picture are ones they took there. They had a good time, Robert stayed at Nancy's sister house as a guest. The temple in Monterry is the same as the one in San Antoni0, Texas. So Robert knew where everything was. Nancy and Robert spent some time touring the town and enjoying the city. Here they are a river walk and in a park. Being an LDS family, Nancy and her family were glad she had met a temple worthy returned missionary and they welcomed Robert into there life. All to soon, it is time to return to Texas. Nancy's father escorted Robert back to the main highway so he would not get lost on the back roads. (Robert says it was not needed) Nancy road with him till they got to a spot on the highway where they pulled over and said their "till we meet again". They exchanged promise rings and I believe that Robert may have found the girl he has been searching for many years. The are the same age. He would not date non LDS girls and he has look long and hard for a woman that shared his love for the Christ and the church. I pray he has found her.They do look very happy, she had waited for a man like Robert for a long time also. Nancy is one inch taller then Sandra, Robert's mom, my wife. Robert is not rushing, he wants to be sure and wants to develop a relationship before they go on. Much smarted then his dad. Anyway, I hope it works out for them. They had a great time and seem to like each other. He got home about 1 AM Monday morning.