Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Friend Lisa

I was reviewing my bloging over the last year. This blog is one year old now. I have shared my feelings with you and hope you have understood what I was saying. As I read and thought over the last year one thing kept coming to mind.

I recall reading some blogs when I came across a reference to a blog called Lisa's Rambings. I went to check it out and it has become a must read for me. I would read and p0nder what was said and learned about her struggles and hopes. I went back and read all her posting from day one. I made a comment now and then but that was about it. Then in 2007 I went to Salt Lake City to spend Christmas with my son in Provo.

While there a group of my friends that have met online for many years got the idea that it would be great to get together. Most of them lived around the area and had met before but I was from Texas and had never met any of them in person. So one day we met for lunch. I met such wonderful people. Everyone one of them. I also met one named Lisa but never in my life connected her with a blog called Lisa's Rambings. I remember thinking how quite she was. Nice but kind of keeping to herself. So I took pictures of the group when I got home it hit me. That was "the Lisa from blogland"! I knew this lady! I had felt her fusstrations, seen her pride in her kids and had gone alone with her during her ups and downs. I kicked myself for not putting that together while I was in Utah.

I know her son "E" and I know the joy he brings her as well as the pain. I know her daughter "V". A sport star at her school. Number 14 I believe. I have cheered them both on.

So, what I am trying to say is "Lisa, I am so glad I know you and I wish to tell you, You go girl. To most in the world, you are just a mom. But to your family, you are the world. I am glad I can call you my friend.

Take care and know that you influence many and you might never know who is helped by you.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Cactus Cuties

For those of us that skip reading comments on blogs I here by post the follow

The Cactus Cuties are the real deal. If you want to hear more of their music, there are 18 of their music videos posted at You can read all about them and their activities at FYI, their current ages are 9, 11, 12 & 14. The 9 year old is my granddaughter

It is well worth the visit to see and hear them. I thank the grandfather, Bullhead003 for his post on my blog telling me where to find more of these great singers.

Thanks Sally

After my last post a friend of mine, Sally sent me an email with the National Anthem by a group of girls. I was so impressed by they way they sang it that I did a bit of research.

They are known as The Cactus Cuties. I like the way they sang the National Anthem so much that I have posted it here. It is on the left, at the top. Take a listen. And again, Thanks Sally.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Star Spangled Banner

I must be in a patriotic mood today. I was playing the Star Spangled Banner for about the upteens time when my grandaughter came to me and asked about it.

As i tried to tell her the story of France Scott Key being held on the English ship while they bombarded the American harbor. How the guns were fireing all night long and because it was dark you could not see the our flag. Was it still flying? Were we still there? But every now and then a bomb would burst in the air or a rocket's light would show that "our flag was still there."

Try as I did I could not stop tears from running down my face. Don't know what she thought about that, she didn't say anything. But it made me think back to my younger days. Of being on an Amercian ship in a strange port.

Every morning while in a host country's port we would "go to quarters" and stand at attention while our band play the anthem of the host country and then our national anthem. I always had shivers go down my back. I still do. Once we were in port as part of NATO, There were many ships from other countries and as was the custom we played the anthem of the host country and then the anthem of all the ships in port that were part of NATO. Last was "the Star Spangeled Banner". We must of been at quarters for over half an hour. I think we must of the been the ship from the farthest place. But we were the best looking ship!!! Had to be, we were representing The United States of America.

So, as I told Lianna the story of that star spangled banner, ripped, torn but not down, she told me, "maybe they used honey to make it stick together". I hope she understood what I was trying to tell her.

Where do we go from here

Some times I worry about this great country of ours. When will we ever learn?

Did you know that before world war 2 our army was the 12th largest in the world? There were countries in South America that were larger. On the eve of Pearl Harbor, 2 years after the nazis invaded Poland, our navy was flying outdated aircraft. Our pilots paid the price at the battle of Midway. Yes, we won that battle, by the grace of God, but we lost squadrons of torpedo bombers. They paid the price so the dive bombers could be in position to release their loads on the Jap carriers. Young men, brave and true to their oath, did what had to be done.

Then after a hard won war, what do we do? We sack our military. Break up aircraft for scrap, send our soldiers to far way places to keep that peace. But we don't give them what they need. They have left over aircraft and tanks from the last war. We paid the price in a place called Korea. Yes, once again out guys held the line while we called back our troops, took ships out of mothballs and saved the day. Did you know the goverment wanted to scrap all of our aircraft carriers after WW2? The admirals of the navy said they would resign if the goverment did that. It was called the revolt of the admirals. A few carriers were spared and you know what saved the day in Korea? Aircraft from navy carriers. Most of the planes were left over from WW2. We pay the price with the blood of our young men.

Now I read that someone wants to not built our F22. A new fighter for the Air Force. He said "the F-15 are good enough". He wants to built many more F-15 for a smaller price then the new F 22. Shades of WW2. The navy was flying twin wing aircraft when WW2 started because they were good enough. Thank God by the time of Pearl Harbor we had aircraft that were able to hold the line. But sill not the best we could have had. But our guys paid the price, in blood.

Question. If we have to fight someone again would you want your kids to enter battle in something that is good enough? Our would you want want them in the best available?

We won the gulf war because we had the best aircraft,the best tank and the best military. Not just good enough, THE BEST. We could have won with good enough but at a higher price, not in goods, but in blood.

Our country now enters a new stage. A new leadership, untried and unproven. Will the military be made to do with good enough? Will we expose ourself to attack because our leaders want to be nice to those who would kill our children in the name of their god? Will we stand by and let this happen? We have before, will we again?

Please, not again, Dear Lord. Let us remain strong, always watching . Let us provide our people with the best tools for the job. May our troops be well trained, strong and supported by "we, the people".

Thursday, January 15, 2009


A new year. Time to reflect on the past. To remember those I loved who passed. To think of the new people I met that have filled some of the void.

I lost a brother. Retired Master Chief David Rivera, USN. Veteran of WW2, Korea, Vietnam and all the other "police actions" that were really wars. He served with honor and valor. Once the ship he was on was supplying my ship while we were underway. He was in the "Gator Navy" and as I teased him I was in the fighting navy.

I lost a brother in law. Ben Ehling, retired air force. He served long also. He married my sister when I was just a kid. He introduce me to "lounge music". I still have many Julie London tunes. Some transfer from old LP and on to CDs.

He taught me to respect books. Keep them clean, don't bend the pages and don't tear the dust jackets. Near the end of his life, he only knew his wife and kids. My sister stayed with him to the end. I wish I could have had some of his books. I remember reading them when I was a teen.

I met a new grandaughter. I help her in my arms shortly after she was born. Had to fight my way past the locked doors and mad nurse that didn't want me to go in when I was ready. Sophie SueAnn, middle name of my wife is also Sohpie's middle name. She is growing so fast. I love to hear her laugh and I love it when she falls asleep in my arms.

Time goes on. I look back and see good times and bad times. I look forward to new memories and good feelings. Warm fuzzys as we called them. I have blogging friends, some I have met, some I never will. But they are friends. I feel with them, I rejoiced with them. When they hurt, I hurt. When they have good things happen I am happy.

A new world for for me. My blog is one year old this month. It has opened a new world. I learn from bloggers, find it strange that one can feel for someone that one has never met. I hope I can be a friend to them.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Butterfly Award

Wow! I received an award. An unexpeced joy! And even better because it comes from a fellow blogger that I respect and love to read. Thank you very much. Be sure to check out the blog Lisa's Ramblings at .
I would also like to pass the same award to one of my favorite blogs also. It goes to a friend who's blog served as a kind of model for mine. Her stories are funny sometimes. Some show a bit on anger because of what has happened. An honest person who tells it as it is or the way she sees it anyway. To Lammyann at I hereby award you the Butterfly Award. May it boast your spirits and help you when you feel low.
For those who won, here are the steps you need to take, in order to award your coolest blogs!
1. Place the logo on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. Nominate other blogs for this award
4. Add links to those blogs
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
6. Give a reason why you consider their blogs cool