Sunday, April 13, 2008

time marchs on

When one is at sea time can be a drag. Nothing new to see and unless you have the watch or we are having one of the many drills it can get boreing. There are free movies every night, at sea and in port. But I didn't go to many of them. In port, no reason to go see a movie. When at sea I went to a couple of them but it was no fun sitting on a bench and the break between reels always came at the wrong time for me.

I remember my shipboard friends Bookman (Bookie) and Renner (you don't want to know). It seems that sailor will not pair up as buddies but form a threesome. I was called Pancho. To help past the long hours at sea we use to sing. Lots of Kingston Trio song. Bookie had a guitar and he would bring it out and the three of use would just sing. Not saying we were any good but we worked just about as far up on the ship as one can get. There we would talk, eat our snacks and then Bookie would start to pick a tune and soon we were all singing.

You can listen to some of the songs we sang by clicking on them at the left. It helped pass the time. Now Renner has died. Bookman lives on a mountain in West Virginia. It was not till a couple of years ago that he got electric power to his house and still has no phone landline. Has to use a cell and have as power booster in his house to boost the signal. He has written a book and gone big game hunter around the world. He tells me he can't do that much anymore as time has started to catch up with him. The things that do not get old are the memories. They remain fresh in our mind. To be lived again and again. I hope we will always have them

1 comment:

Maren said...

I love the memories that you share. It is so fun to read about what kinds of experiences you have had.