Monday, December 22, 2008

Best Birthday ever?

What a day I had yesterday!!! It was my 29th birthday. ;-)

I started the day a little bit cold, cold front came trough and the wind was blowing.

First thing I did was go check my email and there was a message on my IM from my friend Jag! She was wishing me a happy birthday. I smiled and felt good. Then I went to read one of the groups which I belong. Another surprise! More happy birhtday messages. More warm fuzzy feelings. As more people came online they posted happy birthday messasges. I was starting to feel special.

Well, then my son Steven told me he wanted to take me to dinner. Just him and me. At a full servvice restaurant! So about 5 PM we went and he had a table already set up for us. I had a great meal and a great time. After some chatting we returned home.

The light on my answering machine was flashing and I went to see who had called. Surprise, my special friend Jana had called and had wanted to sing "happy birthday" to me as she had last year when I was in Utah. I still remember that day, I was on the road back to Provo from Salt Lake when my cell rang and she was singing to me. I put the call on speaker and Robert and I listened while she and her kids sang Happy Birthday to me. A nice memory in a sad year. She then told me she had a gift for me but her kids were ill and she could not come over but would bring them over in the next few days. She warned me it is nothing big, just a small gift. Ha Ha! It is a special gift because she cared enought to think of me. This was becoming a special day!

While we were talking on the phone my son Robert came home from his ward meeting and smiled and told me he was home. He gave me a smile and walked on. After I hung up he came back and asked how my meal went. I told him great and he asked if I had dessert. I told him no so he said come to the kitchen. There was a big cake, with great frosting and the flowers with the words "Happy Birthday Dad". No candles, (drough here and he couldn't get a permit for such a big fire.)

Then Steven, his wife Stephie, with Lianna and Sophie and Robert stood around and sang happy birthday. I cut the cake, we ate and then I felt full. Not just from food and cake but with love and caring. It had been a great day but I didn't know it was not over.

About 8:30 PM Robert called me to his room and handed me headphones with mic and said someone wants to talk to you. It was his fiance in Monterry, Mexico. She wished me happy birthday, Feliz compla Anos. And then she sang "Las Manatias" a birthday song from Mexico. She stopped after the second verse so I sang the third. Later Robert told me she had said she was a little embarrased because she didn't know the third verse and I had to sing it to her. But no big deal just that she had never heard it before. Nancy keeps forgeting that I speak Spanish. She has a cute little voice and I am glad I am getting to know her before I meet her.

So my day was a full day. Full of song, food and joy. I wish the same for all of you.


Lisa M. said...

I am so glad, that you had a good day!

That is so neat.

It's the little things in life, that really make it, isn't it? I've learned that as of late.


Unknown said...

I left an award for you over at my blog!

I hope you are doing well!