Tuesday, September 9, 2008

another week in my life

So Lianna has been in school a little over a week now. She still loves it and comes home and tells me alot about her day.

A real surprise to me was that she has made friends with a little girl that can neither hear or speak. So Lianna comes home and teaches me the new signs she has learned! Wow! learnling signing! Don't know if her whole class is doing that or if she is doing it because she likes her new friend. I know how to sign "line up" and "follow me" and how to say "love you" and how to throw a kiss in sign. Lianna calls this kid her best friend! So lets hope Lianna and Gabby can learn from each other.

Well soon I should know how my retest on my PSA test went. i know my blood pressure has gone up over the last year and the doctor got tired of my not being able to get it down with what we have been trying so she has added a new pill for me to take. Told me not to drive or do other dangerest stuff till I learn how the meds will effect me. I may have cramps in my legs, or get dizzy and or sleepy.

Have to say this, It is almost the date that Sandra passed. Today is the 10th. Sandra passed on the 11th even if "official" it was the 12th. She passed at 11:30 PM but they didn't declare time of death till 0:45 AM. I can't believe I have made it to this point.

Now most times I smile when I think of Sandra. I remember good times more then sad times. I am happy for her, I know she knows about how Lianna is doing and even about Sophie. Glad they live with me. When everyone is gone from the house it sure feels empty.

Now if "Ike" will leave us alone I shall be very happy. I am worried about that hurricane. Looks like we might get it bad this time.

1 comment:

Maren said...

I'm glad to hear from you. I've been wondering how you've been doing. I'll keep you in my prayers.