Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It takes a worried man , to sing a worried song.

Well, I guess I will vent today. I am feeling a little bit sad. Lianna, my first grandchild started school yesterday. I don't remember feeling sad when my sons started school but back then I was working and my wife, Sandra, handled most of that. But I am feeling things I didn't expect. She loved her first day. Told me some kids cried and she didn't understand why. She didn't she said and then one of the kids bit another kid and he was removed and she wondered if he will be back. She was up at 4 AM asking if it was time to get ready. She looked so big as she was leaving.

Here Is Lianna showing me what she will wear the first day.

Here she is, at the door, waiting for her parents to come out.
Here she is walking to school with her mom and dad. A little girl with a darn big pack.

So today she is at school, starting the long path to her dreams. I pray I have prepared her well.

Today, just a few mins ago, Robet, my youngest ( by one min) left for his final year at BYU in Provo, Utah. When he returns he plans to wed.

Now I know that some may be getting tired of hearing about my wife. But this is my venting so here goes.

On this date, last year , I brought Sandra home from the hospital for the last time. She didn't want to be there and the docter told us there was nothing more to do. He agreed to let her come home and be with her family. It has effected me a great deal, more then I expected. It was the start of a short slide to her heavenly reward. So today I am feeling very down.

Yesterday, at my phyical, I was told I flunked my PSA test. I have to have it redone in 2 weeks before they decide if I should have more test. It was not that high but after all these year it was up and they want to know if I have cancer or not. I think if I do, I will not do anything. Lots of men die with postate cancer rather then because of it. I just have not felt that well anyway. I told my son, Robert, the same thing his mom told him last year. If any thing happens, don't come home. Stay and finish your schooling. He really is not mine anymore anyway. He has become an independant person. But at times I am surprised at the things he doesn't know and I have to help him out.

So, I feel a little sad, confused, worried but I really would love to see Sandra again. I am tired. Maybe it is because of the dates. I keep thinking of what happened last year at this time. Have been doing that for about 2 weeks now.

i never asked before but if you pray, could you say one for me?


Lisa M. said...

Surely, I will pray for you. It is wonderful to be asked.

I am sorry for your frustration and heartache.

I have cried all week, about my daughter going off for her senior year of highschool. All my children are grown now, save Ethan.

These milestones, are so neat to watch them go through... and so hard. You're so right though, they are not really *ours* are they. Totally on loan.

Can you imagine what it must be like for your Heavenly Parents? To watch us make all these mistakes and be so far away, with out texting or cell phones?

Thank goodness for prayers.

What a neat post, and I hope your health is well.

Much affection-


Maren said...

You are in my prayers Lee. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. Liana is so cute going to kindergarten and loving it.

Kevin and Brandi said...

*hugs* General Lee you are loved! I can not believe how big Lianna is getting! Her first day of school, WOW! Prayers going out to you!