Thursday, December 4, 2008

Songs from my life

I copied this from a friends blog. Hope she doesn't mind.

1. Put Your iTunes/music player/cd player/radio on shuffle.

2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

3. Write that song name down. (don't cheat and shuffle through)They say you can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to

What best describes your personality?

I Guess It dosn't mater anymore. Linda Ronstead

What do you like in a guy/girl?

Hawaii five 0 by the Ventures Got me, that's what came up. LOL

How do you feel today?

Brown eyed handsome man

What is your life's purpose?

Les ketchup song

what is your motto?

Coat of many colors

What do your friends think of you?


what do you think of your parents?

Black is Black

What do you think about frequently?


What is 2 + 2?

Tippy toeing

What do you think of your best friend?

Bird Dog

What do you think of the person you like?

In the bush

What is your life Story?

Unchained Melodey

What do you want to be when you grow up?

My special Angel

What do you think when you see the person you like?

Three Jolly Coachman

what do your parents think of you ?

How do you like me now?

what will you dance at your wedding/Anniversary?

Cougar fight song BYU Band

what will they play at your funeral?

Don't be Cruel

what is your hobby/interest?

Wasn't it you

What is your biggest secret?

A dozen roses

What do you think of your friends?

Piece of **** car.

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