Monday, October 27, 2008


Well tomorrow, Oct 28, Robert will be flying to San Antonio, Tx for his interview with USAA. They told him when he gets to the airport in San Antonio there will be a driver waiting with a sign. The sign will state that he is from USAA and is waiting for Robert Rivera. He will be driven to the campus of USAA and he will be interviewed. He will spend the night in a hotel at the expencs of the company and picked up again in the morning and returned to the office. His friend from BYU will be interviewing at the same time and they hope to both be accepted. We at home will by praying for Robert and his friend. It doesn't seem as if Robert will be able to visit at home. He will be busy but we may be able to see him at night at his hotel. But just in case, I put clean sheets on his bed and mopped the room to freshen it up.

Lianna was the pledge leader at her school last Friday. It was kind of a disappointment in that the princepal also said the pledge and he had a much louder voice and over powered her. She knew all the words to the pledge of allegiance and the pledge to the Texas flag. Not bad for a 4 year old. She looked so grown up in the office. Not a bit of fear show. She had worked hard to make sure she knew all the words. This Friday is the kids Halloween parade around the school. She will be wearing her princess costume. Hope it doesn't rain or get to cold.

Little sister Sophie is growning like a weed. She loves to laugh but I fear I am spoiling her. I am always picking her up and talking to her. I bet her first words will be "shut up already". Everyday at 3 PM when I am sitting with her she wants to go outside and sit on the porch and wait for her mom and sister to get home from school. I know, she is to young to do that but at 3 PM she starts pout and cry till I take her out side. Not content to just sit inside with me. I guess I started that too. Tomorrow she will be 5 months old. Time to take her picture for her monthly frame.

So goes the life of this old man

1 comment:

Lisa M. said...

I have very faint and fond memories of walking at the same time each afternoon with my grandfather. He lived with us, for a time and I quite enjoyed his company.

Those are some of the most treasured times of my life and I hold them very close to my heart.

What a brave soul to be the anthem leader. I bet you are proud of her. That is a huge accomplishment.

We always had a red plate that my Mom had made in Relief Society that said "You Are Special" on it. On days such as those, the family member had that place sat in their spot at the dinner table.


What memories you are a part of.

There is much to be said for that.