Thursday, November 6, 2008

vets day

We sure had a loud weekend Nov. first and second. I live about a mile and a half from the an airbase. They have a great runway and this past weekend they hosted an air show.

Starting last Thursday the Blue Angels flew in and started practcing. I guess they were using the north/south runway. We had lots of noise but not to bad. Now on the days of the air show they used the East/West runway and they maded their turns right over my house. Some time east and some times just west of my house. All the families in the area were out in the street watching them fly over. BUT man they are loud when they go over that low. Wht a sight to see them turn together and then shoot up. But when they shot up they went to a higher power setting and it made the baby jump in my arms!

Took me back to my days as a young navy man. I read something in the base paper about a lady calling the base and asking to speak to the base commander. When he came on line she started chewing him out saying "Your planes are flying over my house and making lots of noise". He asked " Are you sure they are our planes?".. She said "Of course!" Then he answered "Thank God." I say, Thank God too. May they always be "our planes"

Have a great veterans day. Monday Nov 11. Long live the U.S. A.

1 comment:

Lisa M. said...

Yes! May they always be our planes.

I like to go to the flying shows. I think they are so neat and fun to watch.

My Uncles were pilots in World War II, and spent a great deal of time in places. I recently asked one of them, why he didn't remain a pilot.

His response was short, "I had enough of that in the war."

I'm so grateful for those brave folks, who've flown our plans, manned our ships, and given their time and efforts for us.

How neat that you were a part of that.

Thank you