Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Part 2, Utah diary

I had talked about how the grads marched into the Marriott Center. The above picture is a group of them outside and walking toward the M.C. There was another group across way even bigger. I took this picture off the jumbo screen in the Center.

This is inside the center and the stands across the way are starting to fill with grads. There were more seats that didn't fit in the picture. Those seats on the floor were for the staff and the PHDs and Masters to sit. The stand, of course, was for the deans and speakers. I was seated where I could see the telepromter and I knew what the speaker was going to say before he said it. I thought that was fun. Once it read "don't touch the microphone".

President Uchtdore of the First Presidency received an Honorary Doctoral Degree and after being hooded treated us with stories from his life. He told us that when he was a pilot flying for the German Airline company and he flew over Provo he would always announce "We are now flying over Provo, Utah. Home of the world famous Brigham Young University". He said he never imagined that one day he would be sitting on the stand, receive an honorary degree, and be a member of the First Presidency. He had sat where we were sitting, but at the very top roll when his children graduated from BYU. Picture taked off the jumbo screen.

Inside the Provo Tabernacle. Here Robert and the others would receive there diplomas. The different colleges at BYU each had convacations at different spots in Provo. There were 4 times set so we had to be done before 11 AM so the next college could use this spot. We started at 8 AM and time was not a problem. The grads marched in and sat in the balcony behind us till it was time for them to march across the stage.

This is a shot I took. The light is coming in behind them and you can't see faces but Robert is there. Down they came to the main floor and then down the toward the stage.

This is Robert, only about 2 others between him and his goal! Looks like a smirk on his face. He must of been so full of joy. He worked hard to get to this spot. I am proud of him

Robert Anthony Rivera, Bachelor of Science, Ira A Fulton College of Engineering and Technology. The long hard march is done. My heart was swelling , my eyes were a bit misty. Now we go outside to the garden for snacks and fellowship. Time for good byes and let's keep in touch. We got a friend of Robert's to take this next picture.

After this picture I asked the classmate to take one more just a bit closer. As he moved in I asked him to let me know just before he pressed the shutter. He did and this is what happened.

Robert wishes I had not done that and the person who took the picture said "blackmail picture". Other around laughed but I think some of those were wishing their dads had done that.

So after 4 years, lots of hard work and worry. It is done. I reminded Robert of his first year and how excited he was. His freshman oriation n the Marriott Center where he took a video clip showing the band playing the BYU fight song and the cheer leaders teaching them cheers, everyone with a smile on their face.

Remined him of his first chance to attend conferrance in person. Seeing a mountain just outside his window. His mission was a good teacher for how to handle time how to manage needs and wants. He tells me the first two years were great but the last 2 were a lot of hard work.

I guess I will add a part 3, our leaving the Y and our trip on the road.

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