Saturday, March 28, 2009

double clip on the picture at the bottom

I post this with tears in my eyes. As I told my son, "Not bad for a kid whose Grandma crossed the border in a rowboat and paid a nickle for the ride. And a grandpa who crossed the border on a horse with some of Pancho Villa's men."

I recall my mother telling me I had to finish high school because she didn't want her kids to have to suffer as she did. She told me of having bleeding hands from picking cotton all day in the field and the overseers hitting them if they worked to slow. She told of everyone in the family having to pick so they could afford food. No school for her.

And my dad, riding with the army of Pancho Villa and how the general he, my dad, was riding with crossed the border near Marfe, Texas and then posted funds from the army into his personal account. He left the group and returned to Mexcio and gathered his mom and brought her to the U.S. to start a life for them in this country.

Then there is me, served in the Navy and Army of the United States. Then I used the benefits earned went to school and started my family. And now I have a University grad coming up. I pray he goes on and fills what is his purpose in life. He all ready is an example of what can be done in our commuinty.

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