Sunday, February 22, 2009

not again

I guess I have been lamenting about my shoulder for the last couple of weeks. Sorry about that. I started thinking of all the people I have met online and the real problems they are having. Once I did that I see how blessed I really am.

I see some of my friends that have CF or other problems that keep them from being the mothers or daughter they wish they could be. I read of families with kids that have special problems and how their mothers must long to see then just talk and run as other kids do. I have an online friend that went to the hospital for lung problems and came back posting the good news. Then nothing more for many weeks. I worry about her. I pray she is ok and just resting.

So why am I complaining about myself? My family is doing well. My grandkids can run and play and get in trouble. My sons are going forward, maybe not the path I would that they follow but forward just the same.

I live thanks to the gift from a stranger. I had a wife that loved me, more then I deserved. I have known good people. I count you, my friends, in that group.

Thanks for letting me talk about myself. Hope it was not to boring. But I do ask for your prayers again. I hate going to hospitals. My MRIs scare me. But fear comes from not knowing. Tomrrow I should know.

1 comment:

Lisa M. said...

I love reading about you. Thank you for all you share about yourself. It helps us know you, and learn through your experiences.

You're great!